Zend hails PHP for Microsoft, IBM


Gutmans: AJAX and JavaScript are the technologies that are used on the client side. And PHP works very well in conjunction with that. So they complement each other.

InfoWorld: What about Ruby, etc?

Gutmans: It's also a dynamic language like those other languages, like Perl and Python. But PHP is by far the most popular.

InfoWorld: Why do you think PHP is the most popular?

Gutmans: I think because of our very, very strong focus on the Web. We've always been the most efficient when it comes to developing Web applications. And also it's a very, very easy language to pick up. So you don't have to have to be a software engineer or a computer science graduate to use PHP. I often say that PHP is the Visual Basic of the Web. You can just be kind of an ad hoc developer, no real formal training, and be very, very efficient.