Zend hails PHP for Microsoft, IBM


InfoWorld: What is your take on the Oracle announcement last week about supporting Red Hat Linux? Do you think this is a death knell for Red Hat?

Gutmans: I'm not sure. If Oracle succeeds, I don't know if it's a death knell. I think still a lot of vendors are going to prefer kind of the best-of-breed vendor for Linux. But [Red Hat] could lose some business, especially the Oracle business. [Red Had has] got some pricing pressure... There's obviously another option, which is that Oracle is just trying to drive down the price [of Red Hat stock]. And maybe this is a one- to two-year plan to actually acquire Red Hat.

InfoWorld: Was there anything else you wanted to touch on that I'm not thinking to ask about?

Gutmans: I think maybe about IBM. We have a very strong partnership with IBM. And I don't know if you follow the System i?

InfoWorld: The old AS/400?