The Macalope Weekly: Slippery Surface


In fact, a full 44 percent of first-time tablet buyers in business and IT plan to purchase an Android device in the upcoming 12 months, compared with just 27 percent planning to go with an iPad, according to a new study from IDG Connect (IDG Connect is part of IDG, which owns

MOAR ANDROID WINNING. Yes, of all the people who've so far resisted buying a tablet for fear of angering their corporate information technology gods, 44 percent said they were going to buy an Android device instead of an iPad. This is truly devastating, and the year of the open-source tablet is now unquestionably upon us. QED.

A few lines down in the piece, Noyes lets the open-source devil on her shoulder get the best of her:

For future purchases, though, Android was clearly the preferred choice, with 44 percent of respondents saying they'd choose a device that uses the Linux-based operating system.

Actually, no! Katherine got it right at first and then couldn't resist exaggerating it. It's not "future purchases," it's "first-time" purchases. And we all know how solid surveys that predict future purchasing behavior are, right?