The Macalope Weekly: Slippery Surface


49 plus 42 is 91! You're getting all excited about at most 9 percent! And the iPad's already owned by a plurality of These people hate Apple! This is possibly the group in the world least inclined to buy the company's products! You buried the lede!

And this is what Noyes calls Android "beating" the iPad.

Even if Android captures half of the "IT professionals" who , that's still not enough to catch up to the iPad.

The Macalope doesn't make market-share predictions because this stuff moves too fast to hit with any accuracy. But suffice it to say that the overblown reaction to a subset of numbers from a survey of the flighty preferences of buyers not curious enough about tablets to already own one--in a slice of the market notoriously hostile to Apple--doesn't leave him concerned about the future prospects for the iPad.