The Macalope Weekly: Slippery Surface


IDG Connect's study of 3124 worldwide IT and business professionals demonstrates a startling move away from iPads, especially in developing regions.

The only way you could show there was a "move away" is if you showed that they previously favored the iPad. The Macalope and it offers no historical survey results at all, just historical market share. Somehow, though, whoever wrote it had no compunctions about making grand assumptions that favor Android:

Now that a majority (71%) of business and IT executives around the world own tablets, the market's centre of gravity is shifting toward buyers who regard Android as their preferred option.

IDG seems to assume that people who have purchased tablets will never purchase another again, and that from here on out the only game is the people who have been waiting this whole tablet thing out, on account of how it might just be . Let's look at IT professionals, who are more anti-iPad than the business professionals they support:

49% of IT professionals currently own an iPad. 42% own an Android tablet. However, among IT professionals who don't yet own a tablet, 49% say they will buy an Android tablet. Only 26% say they will buy an iPad.